Title: Profiling Omidyar Network Grantees and Partners in Nigeria Client: Omidyar Network, San Francisco, USA Year: 2018 Location: Lagos/Kaduna, Nigeria. Project: Omidyar Network, an investment and philanthropy initiative based in the USA has been giving grants and making investments into Fintech (financial technology) startup companies in Nigeria. This photography and film assignment profiles some of their grantees and partners — from the CEOs of the startup companies to the clients and beneficiaries of the financial services provided by the start-ups. Some of the profiled Fintech companies include: Paga, Lydia, Alat, Wakanow and Flutterwave.
Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP) Client: NSRP and The British Council Location of project: Nigeria Year: 2017 Commissioned photographic and film project illustrating the work of Nigerian Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP) and its partners in contributing to peace in Nigeria. Commissioned by British Council and UK Aid. A two-month comprehensive project covering all regions of Nigeria (Rivers State, Delta State, Kaduna State, Plateau State, Kano State and FCT Abuja).
Photographic Documentation of Post-Ebola Liberia Client: Africa Development Bank, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Location of project: Liberia Year: 2015 This project consists of photographic documentation of Liberia shortly after the Ebola virus epidemic. The idea was to portray the aftermath, but also the many ways by which Liberia seeks to move forward after the calamity. The project focused particularly on women – from traders, farmers, to health workers and advocates for human rights. It equally paid attention to the survivors of Ebola as well as those who worked hard, often at the expense of their own lives, to minimise the effects of the virus. The resulting images now constitute the image archive of Africa Development Bank. It is scheduled for a photography exhibition in Liberia, and other African countries affected by the virus.